Author: Don T. Phillips
ISBN 978-1-62137-753-5 (hardcover)
150 pages
The Book of Revelation is a record (unveiling) of events which were shown to the Apostle John by Jesus Christ. The revelation given to John spanned a period of time from approximately 93 AD until a new heaven and new earth is put into place after the Tribulation Period. Perhaps the greatest problem in properly understanding and interpreting the Revelation Record is that the Book of Revelation is not written in a time-sequenced, chronological narrative. General descriptions of things to come are presented and then later followed by details. In addition, parenthetical passages are inserted to describe or clarify main events. While the Book of Revelation is not presented in a chronological sequence, it is clearly divided into three main divisions: (1) Things which thou (John) hast seen, (2) Things which are (7 letters to 7 churches in Asia Minor and visions of God's Throne) and (3) Things which must be hereafter (The tribulation period, the 1000 year millennial kingdom and New Heavens and New Earth). This book arranges all 22 chapters, 404 verses and 12,000 words in the order in which they occur, with descriptive narratives and cross-references to "The Book of Revelation: Mysteries Revealed" by Don T. Phillips.
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