Thanks for your interest in our color publishing packages. Please note that we have a separate pricing schedule for our softcover and hardcover packages. Or, if you prefer both, we have special rates on our combination packages. And don't forget to look at our black and white packages.
If you truly want to have your book available in as many formats as possible, you may want to consider our electronic publishing package as well!
Included in all Color Packages:
- Softcover or Hardcover available on white paper. Click here to see available trim sizes.
- Electronic proof
- ISBN assignment (author can provide own ISBN and imprint at no additional charge)
- Copyright application instructions
- Book page in our online store
- Barcode
- Data Backup
- Distribution through Ingram, Bowker’s Book in Print and Global Books in Print. Registration through, Barnes & Noble, and many others.
- Drop Shipment
- 50% royalties of net receipts (Approximately 25% of cover price on books sold through us!)
- Quarterly Sales Report
- Author may purchase his/her book for at least 30% off list (discount increases with large orders)
Due to the nature of these books, author must provide illustrations at a minimum of 300 dpi in TIFF, PICT or non-compressed JPG. We will do text layout, but illustration is not included. All covers will include a graphic you provide or one of the illustrations from the book.
Standard Color Trim Sizes

Premium Color Trim Sizes