Author: Don T. Phillips
ISBN 978-1-951985-69-1 (hardcover)
126 pages
The Book of Daniel is the Old Testament bookend of prophecy, and the Book of Revelation is the New Testament bookend of prophecy. Daniel was a remarkable person who was never rebuked or criticized by God. He was called a man who was greatly loved (Daniel 10:11). He fasted and prayed to God after almost 70 years in Babylonian captivity to show him what would become of his people. God's response was recorded in Daniel 7-12. In a series of panoramic, prophetic revelations Daniel was told how the Israel and the Jews would be persecuted, conquered, and scattered over a period of over 600 years by Medo-Persia, Greece and then the Roman Empire. In Daniel 9:22-27 and Daniel 10-12, the most comprehensive and important prophecies in the Old Testament were given to Daniel. The crown jewel of these prophecies is Daniel 9:23-27, which is commonly called the 70 week prophecy of Daniel. This prophecy predicted when Christ would begin His 3.5 year ministry of reconciliation, when He would suffer and die, and the eventual 2nd coming of Christ at the end of the Great Tribulation described in the Book of Revelation. This book is a comprehensive examination of the Daniel 70 week prophecy and a verse-by verse explanation. It will be shown that this prophecy will frame and allow a timeline to be built which will illustrate major events in the last 3.5 years of the Church age. Anyone who wants to understand end-time prophecy should read and study this book. Among the many things which will be discussed and explained are the following topics:
• A complete analysis of the Daniel 70 week prophecy
• Scriptural evidence that the Daniel 70 week prophecy began in 458 BC
• Scriptural justification that Christ began his earthly 3.5 year ministry of reconciliation in the Fall of 26 AD and ended it at the Feast of Passover in 30 AD
• A timeline of the key events in the last 3.5 years of the Daniel Prophecy, which corresponds to the last 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation described in the Book of Revelation
Don T. Phillips is a bible scholar who has taught prophecy to bible study groups for over 40 years. He is a member of New Heights church in College station, Texas and is an active Gideon. He is author of 10 other bible study books including, The Book of Revelation: Mysteries Revealed, The Millennial Kingdom: Life after the Great Tribulation, and The Birth of Christ: A Forensic Analysis.
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