Dead Surround - The Julia Poe Vampire Chronicles

Author: Celis T. Rono

ISBN 978-1-60264-795-4 (softcover)

ISBN 978-1-60264-796-1 (ebook)

348 pages


Julia Poe escapes from the politics of Downtown Los Angeles after helping rescue 200 human cattle from blood farms.

Enraging master vampires throughout the city, Poe's two-year freedom is cut short when she becomes the second most wanted person in the land right behind Kaleb Sainvire, an unfailing idealist and the elusive love of her life.

She is once again forced to take a stand against vampires trying to reclaim the human slaves stolen by Sainvire's revolutionaries and face the wrath of Quillon Trench, the master vampire she disfigured.


Celis Rono is a new voice in the night creature world! 
-Nicole Hicks, Bitten By Books

That Which Bites is a frighteningly good vampire book. 
-Dawn D., Manic Readers

In my wildest fantasy, Quentin Tarrantino will direct the film version of That Which Bites someday. 
-Rebecca Baumann,

Rono's take on the blood suckers is one that I've not quite seen before. 
-Stephen W. Roberts, Word Weaver

Category: Fantasy, Fiction, Horror

Type: books

Vendor: Celis T. Rono

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