Long Lines: Ten of the World's Longest Continuous Family Lineages

Author: David Chapin

ISBN 978-1-60264-933-0 (softcover)

119 pages

All of us are descended from a chain of ancestors. Who our ancestors are is usually lost through the mists of time. This book is a catalog of those special families who happened to carefully preserve their lineages. These unique families have preserved continuous family lineages going back over 1000 years. What's more, these families still have living descendants today. This book is not meant to be family trees, but more of a tour through history of some of the world's best documented families. WHY these families preserved their family documentation is the most interesting part of the story. Some families did so because of self importance, others for religious reasons, still others because of a unique occupation. We walk through tiny slices of worldwide human history with them as they come alive for us today.


David Chapin is the author of numerous books and articles about historic and genealogical subjects. He began his genealogical research at the age of thirteen by taking notes on his family relationships at various family events. This passion to track down his family continues to this day. At the present time, he has found over 2,200 known living family members. Try as he might, he was unable to determine a connection between him and any of the ten family lineages documented in this book.

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