When Will These Things Be?

Author: Doug Enick

ISBN 978-1-60264-178-5 (softcover)

168 pages

Is ours the final generation before the return of Christ? Many people think so. Taking their cue from Jesus' words above in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24), they have concluded that we must be living in the last days, the "terminal generation." After all, do we not see the very things Jesus mentioned in the prophecy as signs of his coming, wars and rumors of wars, nation rising against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Do we not see famines and earthquakes and plagues, the rise of false religion, and rampant lawlessness? Surely these are signs of the end.

Or are they?

What if Jesus wasn't talking about our generation, but his own? Could it be that so much of the current end times frenzy has been based on a misunderstanding of Jesus' intent in the Olivet Discourse?

n this study Doug Enick presents evidence that the Olivet Discourse is a prophecy, not of the Second Coming at the end of human history, but of the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, and that its fulfillment stands as a lasting witness to the covenant faithfulness of God.

"I heartily recommend Pastor Doug Enick's When Will These Things Be? In preaching through Matthew 24 and the Olivet Discourse several years ago, Doug's book along with R.C. Sproul's The Last Days According to Jesus and R. T. France's Tyndale New Testament Commentary on Matthew convinced me of the biblical validity of the partial preterist position on New Testament prophecy. Doug's was the clearest and most to the point of the partial preterist commentaries and proved to be a helpful book to give to church leaders and laymen who study their Bibles. I welcome a new edition with the hope that our Lord would be pleased to open up the eyes and minds of biblical students regarding biblical prophecy."

Pastor Steve Martin,
Heritage Church Fayetteville, Georgia



Doug Enick lives in Pratt, Kansas where he pastors Trinity Evangelical Church.

Category: Inspirational, Non-Fiction, Religion

Type: books

Vendor: Doug Enick

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